Short Distance Solar Powered Rental Bikes


Short Distance Solar Powered Rental Bikes

Just what the title says! It’s made for you to go to the station and pop in a little cash to take it for a spin! The carrying case in the middle comes standard, with folding out sides (but just a bit!) so you can fit your stuffs in there. Lithium-based accumulator batteries store energy which are charged by plugging in to a standard socket, the energy provided ideally 100% by a solar-panel laden station roof. Ride on!

In addition to the simplistic translated nutshelled fantasy-vision I’ve provided above, the designer Tobias Bexten has a bit to say about the shape:

By an uncommonly forward leant main body that stems against the driving direction, the vehicle displays its role in a decelerated form of mobility. Additionally this formal aspect serves as a strong recognisable attribute as well.

Clean surfaces and precise edges add up to a valuable impression of the design in order to emphasise the functional elements of the vehicle and to aspire a reduced and calm style, according to the innovative and clean form of mobility this vehicle is representing.

This entire design is done in reaction to some facts dug up by Bexten, exact parameters unknown: ‘at an average of only 1,2 people are traveling together in one car at the same time, and the quote ‘50 percent of all distances covere with a car are shorter than five kilometers, 90 percent of all distances covered are shorter than 9 kilometers.’' I would not be surprised at this being true of my very place of residence: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. These vehicles would be a blessing here.

Designer: Tobias Bexten

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 08

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 05

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 03

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 07

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 10

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 06

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 04

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 02

Stem Short-Distance Solar Powered Vehicle System by Tobias Bexten 09

(Via Yanko Design.)

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