James Salvidge's Post Office comes to you (sort of)

James Salvidge's Post Office comes to you (sort of)


James Salvidge's entry in the RSA Design Directions competition, 'To design a service to replace the Post Office,' consists of two kiosks--one fixed, one movable--that attach to each other like a sort of postal Voltron.

The fixed kiosk, the smaller of the two, acts as a regular post box; the larger unit would be ferried around the city by van, plugged into the smaller unit as needed, and is designed for accepting packages.

All of which begs the question: Why? Macro description on Salvidge's boards is pretty thin, but we guess the thinking goes that driving one of these behemoths around will ultimately use less resources than having one in every neighborhood.

What do you guys think?

(The rest of the concept can be seen on Coroflot.)


(Via Core77.)

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