Minus Garbage Bin


Minus Garbage Bin

Minus Garbage Bin

Garbage often ends up being stinky due to the decomposition process of foodstuff and leftovers within, but the Minus Garbage Bin does its part in keeping everything smelling neutral. This is achieved via a two-pronged attack by shooting an antibacterial ultraviolet light at the odiferous detritus, followed by keeping it frozen until the time arrives to eject its garbage bank. You can view the status of the contents inside through the porthole on top to know whether it is time to dispose of it or not. There is on snag in the concept though - it takes a fair bit of energy to keep the garbage frozen, and unless this is solar powered in some way or another, it isn't exactly the greenest idea on earth.

(Via UberGizmo, the Gadgets News Blog.)

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