Moonlight Concept Laptop


Moonlight Concept Laptop

moonlight-concept-laptop-1-thumb-550x445-17204I am guessing that this Moonlight Concept Laptop is named because of its shape. Granted, its crescent shape makes it a lot sexier than most laptops, and it has some other unique features as well.

For example, it doesn’t have two halves with one screen and one keyboard. No, both halves come with touchscreens. The bigger screen is a 16:9 that serves as the monitor, with the other is a smaller 4:3.

This lower 4:3 display has a screen that can be used like a touchpad mouse. It can also be used as an annex of the larger screen, or it can run mini OS.

You may have noticed that the frame lights up, and there are special sensors that will keep them on as long as the user wants, I imagine.

Yeah, this Moonlight looks pretty neat, and what you can barely see are special legs that lift it above the ground. Hopefully these legs fold up into the frame. Speaking of folding, the way the Moonlight folds up is quite unusual. You know how most laptops fold up so the screen is on the inside, and protected? Unfortunately, the Moonlight has its screen on the outside. This could be a problem.

Well, I can use my imagination to picture an age where every laptop is like the Moonlight. Somehow it looks really futuristic, like out of a science-fiction movie.


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