Highway Fish for a safe cruise on the road

Highway Fish for a safe cruise on the road

highway fish concept

Drawing inspiration from aquatic creatures, designer Ahmad Filiz has come up with a unique vehicle concept that touting fluent lines moves on a single wheel. Dubbed ‘Highway Fish,’ the futuristic vehicle makes use of ‘air capsules,’ supported by four air pumps, which quickly fill up and empty out to balance the vehicle. Other than balancing the vehicle, the air capsules also helps in controlling, for as soon as the driver rotates the steering wheel to either side, corresponding air pumps are activated to fill up one side of the air capsules while emptying out the other, which creates enough force to turn the vehicle.

The vehicle also includes two hatches, above the wheel, one for the air capsules and the other for exhaust. Featuring the roof finished in photo-chromic glass, the Highway Fish not only presents a panoramic view for the passengers but also protects them from the direct glare and heat of the sun. Moreover, the roof and the glass on the engine, can both give way for a convertible like appearance for the car, and better air circulation for the engine.

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

the highway fish

Via: Automotto

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