Music Drop Player Concept


Music Drop Player Concept

Music Drop Player Concept

Just how much different do you think digital audio players will look like in the future? After all, we've seen some pretty zany designs in the past, and here is one that could fit in into today's market - the Music Drop Player concept. Aptly named after its tear drop design, you will be able to wrap your hand around this without feeling uncomfortable, and it comes with a projector that shows off various song information including artist name, song title and song length. Apparently the projector is bright enough to show up on virtually any surface including walls, tables or even your own hand. We're not too big on a built-in projector in an MP3 player especially when all it does is show off metadata concerning a song - that's just a plain waste of battery life. Aren't we supposed to be going green these days? A portable media player/cell phone with a projector we can understand, but this? Best be left as a concept.

(Via UberGizmo, the Gadgets News Blog.)

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