Nokia Strapup Phone: Is it a phone or just a bracelet?


Nokia Strapup Phone: Is it a phone or just a bracelet?


A few days back, I told you about Nicolas Nicolaou’s semi-circular Bracelet Phone. Next in sequel, we’ve yet another wristy innovation from Nokia this time. Dubbed Nokia Strapup Phone, this wearable gadget is a perfect tool for those who prefer gestures over text or voice. It’s not a phone in fact! It’s a device that decodes your body movements into predefined text and, without any of human interventions, transmits it to others automatically. This gesture-based communication is still a concept and it’s equally sad to discover that Nokia doesn’t intend to manufacture or release it soon. Now to me, it’s a complete waste of time and effort if you wish to keep your creativity to yourself!

Via: The Design Blog

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